Porterbrook | Primary Engineer


The Challenge

To photograph and video Porterbrook’s annual celebration event with Primary Engineer. The aim here was to capture the spirit and overall achievement of the students who have taken part in the year long Rail Programme.

Porterbrook explicitly requested that we captured key aspects of the day:

  • The year 5/6’s working on their designs
  • Engineers interacting with the year 5/6’s
  • The year 5/6’s testing their train designs
  • The year 5/6’s receiving awards for their designs

Furthermore, we were tasked with interviewing the event organisers, engineers, and teachers for soundbites on the programme.

The Approach

We decided upon a single day for media capture, the day of the model train design testing. To ensure enough media capture we assigned two operatives to the job, one to take photos and the other to capture video.

Our photographer used the Cannon R5 mirrorless camera to capture stunning high resolution photos throughout the day. They utilised a variety of lenses to capture both the up close action, and wider perspective’s of the event.

Our filming operative used a two camera setup to record interviews throughout the day. These interviews act as context for the activities shown throughout the day. For recording b-roll, our operative used the Cannon R6 mirrorless camera on a gimbal rig. The gimbal creates dynamic movement and makes it easy to keep up with the action.

The Result

Shortly after the event, the editing process commenced.

We edited the photos in Adobe Lightroom Classic to produce bright, punchy images conveying the positive vibe around the event.

In terms of the video, we processed the interviews and b-roll in Adobe Premiere Pro. We took the best sound bites, interlacing them with a variety of candid b-roll from the event. Graphics and a splash of colour were added to polish up the video.

We sent off the photos and draft video for review and Porterbrook quickly came back with only a few minor alterations.

Porterbrook were unquestionably happy with the media we delivered.

“We’re all really pleased with this!”

Rhea North – Communications Assistant – Porterbrook


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