Colas | Terras


The Challenge

Produce a piece of media demonstrating Colas Rail UK’s work on the Terras level crossing upgrade. This work is part of a Cornwall and Devon signalling programme to improve the resilience of the level crossings in the region. Network Rail are heading up the programme with Colas contracting on the project.

Colas’s work at Terras involves upgrading this from an open crossing without barriers to an actively protected crossing.

Colas also tasked us with capturing the overall progression of the works as well as showing a few key upgrades:

  • Installation of new barriers
  • Upgraded flood protection
  • New location cases
  • Updated rail fencing

The Approach

It was clear from the beginning of this project that it would require both on the ground filming as well as timelapse to capture the long term progress of the project. Our engineers installed two timelapse cameras which were programmed to record 24/7 from start to finish of the project.

Furthermore, we organised three days to capture on the ground footage and drone footage of the works:

  • The first shift, our engineer captured footage after installing the timelapse cameras
  • The second shift, we dispatched a dedicated camera operative to capture a good section of the works
  • The third and final shift was captured again by our engineer as they uninstalled the timelapse cameras

The three filming shifts helps capture the details of the project such as the new location cases and barrier installation. Additionally, drone footage establishes the location of the project and is also great for showing progress.

The Result

Once the timelapse cameras had been removed, we began piecing the video together. We combined drone footage, timelapse and on the ground filming to create an all encompassing video which showcased the progress of the project. We included progessionary footage of all the key upgrades Colas wanted to showcase. They were delighted with the first version of the video. No further changes were required.

We’ve worked with Colas Rail UK on many other projects with this video further cementing our partnership.

“Overall, the video looks great!”

Jason Eves – Marketing and Communications Manager – Colas Rail UK


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